
Archive for September 21st, 2014

Observations from India

Being away from India for so long makes me appreciate the lovely posts I’ve published over the years and enjoy reading and sharing them again

India 2008-2015

This was originally a part of a longer post published years ago and came across it recently.  So I’ve decided to share it once again.


Just a quick note: I’ve been watching in many places as roads and even houses are built and can’t help be amazed at the processes. Rocks are brought up from the river bed by donkey …dumped in one place near the closet existing road, and then sari dressed women, some  with babies tied to their banks or toddlers following them, carry them on their heads and dump them closer to the actual work site


…and then they are hit with sledgehammers in such a way as to create one side which is completely flat. These are then place one next to the other with the flat side facing out to build retaining walls…or the foundation for a road – the spaces between them are…

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