
Posts Tagged ‘new beginnings’


Be Happy You Deserve It

The beginning of a new year is a golden opportunity,  a chance to journey within and see what we find, explore the inner workings of our soul and try and move forward into a new place. There will always be things which need to be questioned and challenged, and always new ways and opportunities to make profound changes which will help us move forward in our Sacred Contract, our reason for being here.

Let us all pray that we be granted the guidance, clarity and direction we need, as well as the wisdom to understand and perceive the blessings given to us, no matter what form or disguise they may take.

This would be a good time to take a minute and go back and check out the previous post on Living in the Shadow of the Past and the Power of Forgiveness and finding the ways to release all that is no longer necessary or healthy for us in the coming New Year. It would also be a wonderful time to begin doing the forgiveness exercise explained in the post for all those in your life who you still need to forgive, (including yourself?). This is a wonderful opportunity for us to discard everything which we do not need to move forward in peace, tranquility, love, laughter and good health. Let’s move out of the Shadow of the Past into a beautiful, sunny and tranquil New Year.


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I found a job!!  I’ve been needing to get back into the work force for some time now.  Retirement is a wonderful blessing, but my financial plans were not working out as expected and I need additional income to stay independent.  Been thinking about how to do this for some time….and then this week, for reasons which will soon become clear below, I had to cancel my ticket to India for this year.  And just five minutes later, I was offered a job!!

One door ALWAYS opens when another is closed!  It’s as simple as that.

Here is my post from my India Journal blog which will explain the rest.


One of my favorite views towards Ram Jhula from one of my favorite restaurants.. 60's Beatles Restaurant

One of my favorite views towards Ram Jhula from one of my favorite restaurants.. 60’s Beatles Restaurant

Today I cancelled my ticket for this years trip to India.  It was something I knew I had to do for some time but kept putting it off.  I am truly heartsick at the thought of not “coming home” to Ma Ganga for another full year, but at the same time, realize that this too is a blessing in disguise.

Although truly sad and disappointed at the moment, I’m sure this is a blessing in disguise and I remain grateful to God and joyful and accepting of all things! !

another favorite view from Ram Jhula

another favorite view from Ram Jhula

Just to clarify, I had scheduled long overdue cataract surgery for April, upon my return from India.  But the condition has worsened to the point where I can barely see out of my right eye, and the left is getting worse by the day.  So no choice.  Must be taken care of.

I know that something wonderful is waiting for me and will simply continue to enjoy each and every day to the fullest, in full acceptance joy, gratitude, Faith and Freedom from Fear. Despite the momentary disappointment and sadness, Life is definitely beautiful and full of wonderful surprises!

much love light and JOY



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